Sensei Jason Walton

Sensei Jason Walton 4th Dan

Instructor and founder of Loughton Wado-Kai Karate Club
England Wado-Kai Kumite & Kata Judge / Federation of Wado-Kai Europe Kumite & Kata Judge

Jason Walton began his Wado karate training back in 1986 starting at the Guildford Wado-Kai Karate Club when it was based at the old Guildford Sports Centre at Bedford Road. The club was then part of the SKW (Southern Karate-Do Wado-Kai Association). He then continued to train on a regular basis at both the Guildford & Godalming Karate Club’s, as well as attending the annual SKW courses and and competitions.

During the 1990s Jason taught at the Farnham Karate club and also ran his own club in Merrow (Guildford) for 3 years, before moving to Essex. He now runs his own club in Loughton, Essex.

Throughout his training, Jason has competed in many Association, National and Mixed Style competitions and has won many medals and trophies. In both 2013 (Hungary) and 2014 (Italy), Jason was selected for the England Wado-Kai Karate Team, and represented his country at the European Wado-Kai Karate Championships, competing in the Senior Mens Individual Kata category on both occasions.

Jason Walton has been taught by many leading exponents of the Wado style of karate including Master Toru Arakawa 9th Dan and Sensei Shingo Ohgami 8th Dan, but his main instruction has been with Sensei Barry Wilkinson 8th Dan, Chairman of England Wado-Kai Karate-Do Renmei and Vice President of Federation of European Wado-Kai. Jason is often an instructor on the many courses offered by the EWKR and continues to train regularly and in 2023 he travelled to Japan to train under the instruction of Sensei Koichi Shimura 8th Dan, Chairman of JKF Wadokai Technical committee.

Jason is a qualified EWKR Wado-Kai Kata Judge and a Federation of Wado-Kai Europe Judge.


Dan Grade Gradings and Promotions

  • Shodan (1st) – December 1995, Graded with SKW (Southern Karate-Do Wado-Kai)
  • Nidan (2nd)May 2014, Graded with England Wado-Kai
  • Sandan (3rd) – May 2017, Graded with England Wado-Kai
  • Yondan (4th) – September 2021, Awarded by England Wado-Kai
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