Sensei Dr Maggy Jennings OBE

Sensei Dr Maggy Jennings OBE 4th Dan

President of England Wado-Kai Karate-Do Renmei

EWKR Child Safeguarding Officer

Maggy Jennings began her Wado karate training back in 1980 starting at the Farnham and Aldershot Wado-Kai Karate Clubs and she has been training regularly 2-3 times a week ever since, mainly with Sensei Barry Wilkinson 8th Dan, Chairman of England Wado-Kai Karate-Do Renmei and Vice President of Federation of European Wado-Kai. 

In 2017, Maggy Jennings was appointed as Child Safeguarding Officer for the EWKR. She has developed the Association's Safeguarding Policy, keeping it up-to-date with safeguarding issues and ensuring that all instructors are DBS checked and cleared.

In 2023 Maggy Jennings was appointed as President for the EWKR

Dan Grade Gradings and Promotions

  • Shodan (1st) – 1989, Graded with SKW (Southern Karate-Do Wado-Kai)
  • Nidan (2nd)2009, Graded with England Wado-Kai
  • Sandan (3rd) – May 2017, Graded with England Wado-Kai
  • Yondan (4th) – September 2021, Awarded by England Wado-Kai
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